John Polkinghorne
John Polkinghorne was a molecular physicist before he took “the cloth” and became an Anglican priest in the UK. He died three years ago (March 2021) which is how I came to discover him when I read his obituary in The Times.
He wrote a great deal about how science and religion come together using the same language. Scientists are often thought of as being agnostic in general but, in fact, many discoveries in modern science seem to point to a deity. Even Einstein spoke about his discoveries as being the design of a deity, so impressed he was by the splendour of the universe.
John Polkinghorne wrote many books on this theme, some are quite difficult to follow, as some of his arguments are quite technical (and I had to look up some of the long words he used!) But, if you are interested in how science and religion come together, then I certainly recommend looking up some of his writings and YouTube videos.