Block Universe

So where are past events stored if not inside the head? My theory is that they aren’t stored. Maybe there are two types of memory. I have difficulty remembering Spanish words and maybe these are stored inside my head. But experiences from the past? These contain elements of the actual event, the emotions, the smells, for example. For this reason, I like the idea of the Block Universe, one of many theories about our mysterious world. This theory (unproved, of course!) suggests that all events past and present exist in a “block” with time as the scale. And that, to re-live a past experience, we actually connect with that event.

There is one large pitfall with this theory: that, if future events are also stored in the Block Universe, then our future is decided, so there is nothing we can do to change it. Many Christians come close to this idea in that they believe that God has everything mapped out for us. Or that God has a “plan”. I believe that my future is in my hands, or influenced by future events. I mean… I can’t decide if I am ill or when I  die, but I can decide whether to go swimming today, regardless of what the Block Universe says! I think I just have to accept this dilemma, of the future stored in the block universe but I can make decisions about my life (or, I suppose someone is just kidding me to believe that!)

The puzzling picture of shadows on Mind and Matter was taken during an annular eclipse in Valencia in 2005.